Uploading/Updating a Pyware Drill to UDBapp

While in Pyware, go to File>Export File>Export UDBapp File

From here, you'll be prompted to enter your:
  • UDBapp Ensemble Code
  • UDBapp Designer Password
Once entered, click Sign In
From this window you can:
  • Edit/Update the Song Name
  • Update the Grid Terminology
Once you're done making edits, select where you want the file to go:
  1. UDBapp Account Server (for direct cloud download from our server)
  2. Your Computer as a .3DUDB File (to serve as a backup or to load directly to an individual device).
Uploading The Drill File
  • If you are Updating a file, click "Update Existing Drill" and click on the file you want to Update.
  • If Uploading a new file, keep the default "Upload New Drill" selected.
Click 'Upload' when you're ready. The file should be viewable on your device in a matter of seconds.